Coding since age 7, started with Java and am currently interested in next-generation languages. Strong background in Go, complimented by years of experience working with Linux and building and deploying scalable, independent, and fault-tolerant microservices with Docker. I follow a test-first approach to development and aim for high test coverage. I feel readable code is the best documentation. In my free time, I enjoy reading the Code Review section over at StackExchange to learn more efficient ways of solving problems, as well as helping others improve their code. I am in the top 10% on the site this quarter. Favorite Books (in no particular order): K&R 2nd Ed, Pragmatic Programmer, Effective Java, Built to Last, Good Strategy/Bad Strategy: The Difference and Why It Matters
Favorite Books (in no particular order): A Modern Approach 2nd Ed, K&R 2nd Ed, Pragmatic Programmer, Effective Java, Built to Last, The Difference and Why It Matters